After my recent dunking at Walney, I decided to replace the adjustable [ie not watertight] neoprene neck seal on my Gul Fugitive cag with a latex one from Lomo
I've never been keen on latex neck seals, but thought I could do with one fully sealed dry top to complement the others I have with open necks, neoprene seals etc.. and was prepared to take a punt on some DIY.
With a scalpel blade I unpicked and removed the neoprene collar and the front neck gusset, removed the velcro strips, and carefully sewed the seams shut again and swiped some Aquaseal over the seams to waterproof them.
I stretched the cag over a plastic cutting board, and opened the neck hole to 8"
..which held it nicely in place and centred too...
it's important to sand the surface of the rubber so the adhesive bonds well...
A digital scale was used to measure out 24gms of Bostik 2402 adhesive and 1gm of hardener. It's important to get this ratio correct, and thoroughly mixed for 2 mins.
I spread 2 thin coats onto the seal and the inside of the material...
Leaving the glue to set until just tacky, I carefully placed it bang on centre with no wrinkles, and gave it a good rolling with a small wallpaper roller to squeeze them together.
McNett's Aquaseal could also be used as adhesive too.
Aquatape over the seams and where I removed the velcro flaps and gusset...ooh er!
Finished neck seal. I will report on whether it is a success later!