Friday, 13 February 2009

Glassing the deck Part 1...

Neat eh!  I think I have sussed out the trick to using Poxy resin.................. Don't rush. 

It ain't like polyester where you have to get it down quick and work it around like a madman before it kicks off. Poxy just gets more and more sluggish, and you can squidge it all around to fill low spots.

I laid down the deck glass and used a 2" brush to liberally coat it [onto bare wood deck; no sealer coat this time] With some trepidation I noticed the weave fill, but not seep through to the wood. Then a minor miracle started, all over the glass little spots started to appear where the resin was starting to soak through. 

This time I used a harder squeegee made from 1.5 mm styrene sheet, and in no time at all I had the glass laid down hard against the deck with only a few tiny bubbles, which hopefully will disappear as I turned down the heating and left it cure overnight. 

There are a few 'silver' areas which  I just couldn't get rid of, but overall a much more satisfying days work than the hull, which will need a right seeing to with the sander.